The ParentBank Project is approaching its end, finishing on 31st January 2022.
In this project phase, all Intellectual Outputs elaborated during the project lifetime are finalized and ready to be presented to stakeholders, during the 6 Multiplier Events that will be organized in January 2022, in the partner countries. There will be: 5 Info Days organized in Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Spain and Lithuania, and a Final Conference organized in Greece.
Due to the pandemic context, some of the events will be organized virtually, and others face to face.
The 5 Intellectual Outputs that will be presented are the following:
- Training program for practitioners who support single parents, in the teaching of literacy, numeracy, entrepreneurial and digital skills
- Training program for the building of literacy, numeracy, digital competencies, sense of initiative, and entrepreneurial skills of low-skilled single parents
- Guide for the development of time bank business plan & sustainability strategy
- Single parents’ TimeBank
- Peer-to-peer outreach strategy
We invite all interested stakeholders, especially organizations who support single parents, who would like to join these events, to contact the specific partner organizations in each country.
PARENTBANK – ‘Enhancing the social inclusion of low-income single parents’ is an Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships in Adult Education project, financed by the European Commission through A.N.P.C.D.E.F.P. It has a duration of 2 years and 3 months (2019-2022) – Project Number: 2019-1-RO01-KA204-063798.
This new European initiative aims at facilitating the labor market integration of low-income single-parents, by promoting their access to childcare and other services that they may be unable to afford.
ParentBank is implemented in Greece, Romania, Lithuania, Spain, Bulgaria, and Croatia by the following organizations: Asociatia Habilitas – Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesionala (coordinator), KMOP – Greece,
SIF – Lithuania, Asociacion Caminos – Spain, Parents’ Association Step by Step – Croatia, and Know and Can Association – Bulgaria.
To find out more about ParentBank please visit the website:
Contact of the coordinator:
Asociatia Habilitas – Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesional
Phone: 0040757022382
Download the press release here.